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Doodlekit是一个类似于Google PageCreater的免费个人自助建站系统,提供具备高级功能的个人主页创建功能外,还提供Blog创建及相册等功能。另外,Doodlekit还提供了网站访问统计、多用户添加及管理等一系列实用功能。国外网站英文界面,对于国内用户上手可能不是很顺手,有广告。

“Doodlekit is a fully hosted online free website builder and CMS (Content Management System) that helps you build a personal or business website. It’s perfect for anyone from first-timers to advanced web developers and web designers. Unlike other website creator tools, Doodlekit is all online. You don’t need to install any software on your computer, and you can use it from any computer, anywhere in the world that has internet access, at any time.

The Doodlekit website builder is powered by a database backend. This means you get extra functionality that you won't get with most other website maker tools. We help you make your website a success with: blogs, forums, shopping carts, custom forms and much more. Our free website builder is ever-expanding, which means the longer you own your site, the more new features and functions you’ll discover.

Whether you're a novice or an experienced web user, Doodlekit's website builder can help you create the perfect website for your business or personal needs.”



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